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Vintage Hawaiian Ali’i Owned Guitar


My Dad is so clute how he writes his name on everything or signs his autograph. He was a lefty but he played a normal guitar. 


Price is negotiable. Email me @


I've been struggling and alone since my Dad died. A literal nightmare. I moved to Hawaii to help his brother and then my Dad got cancer and passed before the lockdown. I'm never going to play this. I have arthritis and it's too big for me to play. I love my Dad so much, but he never took care of me and never paid for anything. So, I need to pay for at least a year of rent and laser surgery for my spine. I have stage III osteoarthritis and Obama care doesn't pay for anything I need. I need laser surgery and chiropractic. Also acupuncture and lomi. Lomi is part of our culture. 

Bla Pahinui’s Guitar - Rosewood Takamine ~ Nylon Strings

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